Youth Action YouthBuild
NLD ID #91511
Contact Information
New York, NY 10035
Program Overview
Youth Action Programs and Homes, Inc. (YAPH) is an East Harlem-based youth development, nonprofit 501 (C) (3) organization, established in 1978 and incorporated in 1984. From the time of our founding, YAPH has acted on the belief that our youth can be a powerful force for good in the neighborhood. Our mission is "to create a community of young people committed to taking responsibility for their own lives and improving the larger community". Through our Youth Action YouthBuild (YAYB) program, participants between the ages of 17-24 work full time for nine months, alternating between preparing for their TASC/high school equivalency exam, building, rehabilitating and preserving low income housing, as well as learning a variety of construction industry-related professional skills and earning industry related certifications. While in our program, students are supported by our staff of educators, and counselors to develop themselves as community leaders. Program Components include: High School Equivalency Preparation and Academic supports; Construction training (OSHA, NCCER, CPR/First Aid certifications; Internships, Employment/Graduate services, leadership Development; AmeriCorps/Community Service ed. awards, monthly stipend and case management.

Cost Info
The program is free for enrollees.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
Samantha F. is a 21 year old young lady residing in the South Bronx, and who has been one of Youth Action's most eager and dedicated participants in our 2017 cohort. Samantha enrolled into our program after being incarcerated for a period of time. Within days of being released on probation, Samantha made her way to Youth Action to fill out an application for our orientation and Mental Toughness program which is a prerequisite to program enrollment. She went through the pre-program fully brought in and determine to succeed and achieve her goal of completing her high school education. Once being enrolled into Youth Action YouthBuild, it was evident that she would have to contend with a set of challenges such as acclimating to the program culture while managing her obligations with the NYC Department of Probation and caring for her elderly grandmother. It was also clear that educationally, Samantha was below the requisite threshold that we typically seek and that would assure that she would obtain her TASC diploma by the end of the program year. Despite these barriers Samantha faced, she never gave up on herself. She stayed after school for tutoring sessions with the educational instructor several times per week and participated in the weekend classes that were provided by Youth Action - all on a voluntary basis! Samantha recognized that she had deficits in her academic preparation so she was determined to take advantage of all the instruction time available to her. During her time with Youth Action YouthBuild, Samantha was able to maintain 100% attendance, complete 450 hours of community service to obtain an educational award, and maintain a part time job as a maintenance worker. All of her hard work and dedication paid off, when after two attempts, she successfully achieved her TASC diploma. The staff at Youth Action celebrated her success at the end of the program cycle year with an award for her attendance, hard work and perseverance. At the beginning of 2018, Ms. Francis returned to the program to say thank you and share that she would be enrolling in community college for the January cycle and would also be accessing her AmeriCorps education award to help offset the costs of her tuition and books. She has made us proud and we are confident that she will continue on with her streak of success. .
Education services
- Read and write better
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
Instruction Type
- In-person