RPCC WorkReady U Opportunity Center
NLD ID #91087
Contact Information
500 Mississippi Street
Donaldsonville, LA 70346
Donaldsonville, LA 70346
Hours of Operation
Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Program Overview
River Parishes Community College now offers classes at the Donalsonville and Gonzales Libraries. Our RPCC WorkReady U Opportunity Center will offer lessons to any and everyone needing skills upgrading. We will need to schedule placement testing to ensure that we are covering your weakest area first. There are scholarships available that will allow you to work towards your GED/HiSET while attending college at the same time. Please take advantage today! The library sites are scheduled appointments only so email or call me to set up your placement today!

Cost Info
There will be no cost for students at the Ascension Parish Library locations which are located in Donaldsonville and Gonzales. If you were to qualify for a college scholarship you will have to attend RPCC in Gonzales.Education services
- Read and write better
- Find a family literacy program
- Help my child learn
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
- Become a U.S. citizen
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online