Ready for Life GED / Tutoring Program
NLD ID #89966Contact Information
Hours of Operation
9 - 6
Program Overview
GED Center, Post-Secondary Education Support & Mentoring
RFL has been approved and funded by
the Pinellas County Department of Education to become a GED center serving the population of youth exiting foster care.
Because of the established relationships RFL has with so many of the youth exiting foster care in Pinellas County, our youth staff and the centralized location of our office, RFL has increased the number of youth receiving their GED. As a part of the GED center we also provide intensive individual tutoring for students enrolled in GED, post -secondary and those young adults that are so far behind grade level to assist them in increasing their skills and ability to become employable.
The last area includes what we see as our "family" / support which includes our mentoring program, graduation/milestone celebrations and having a portfolio that truly speaks to each young adult's accomplishments to assist them in securing employment. Our organization fills many roles not just support, resources, skill building but a key focus is connections and having a relationship with each young adult. This will never replace the family they do not have but it is our hope that every young adult we serve know that there is an organization that cares and they have our support.
Education services
- Read and write better
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online