Reading Logically
NLD ID #88451Contact Information
Mission, TX 78574
Program Overview
Reading Logically is a program that is strong on phonics and utilizes word families. After each concept is introduced, there is concentrated practice to firmly "cement" the idea in the student's mind. Enjoyable Stories add to the pleasure of learning. Just for Fun Activities, such as crossword puzzles, poems, compound words, antonyms and synonyms, animal riddles, homophones, and more, reinforce the lessons, and allow the children to "play" with their new skills.
The program is being used by private school teachers, reading tutors, and homeschoolers. Because it is easy to target a specific area where a student needs additional practice, some public school teachers are also using the books as supplementary material for their students.
This program is effective, easy to implement, and works well for all students, including ESL students. Adults have also had success with Reading Logically.
Cost Info
Reading Logically has a five-book Reading Program, with over 800 pages of instruction, for $60. Each book is also available individually for $12 or $15. There are three Reading and Activity Books, two for $7.00, and one for $7.50.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
We taught our son, and both of our grandsons how to read. The youngest boy easily read the introductions to the scenes for his kindergarten Christmas program.
We tutored a nine-year old boy who had been held back two years, and was in the second grade, largely due to the fact that he could only read 5 or 6 words. After six weeks, he had made tremendous progress and could read simple, short stories.
I tutored one of the "worst" readers in the second grade. After 30 minutes a day, three days a week, for six weeks, he received an award from the public school for "The Most Improved" reader in six second-grade classrooms.
Adults, whose second language is English, have used Levels Four and Five, to improve their pronunciation, and increase their reading ability.
After only four weeks using Reading Logically, a second grader increased her reading and comprehension test scores by 12%.
Homeschoolers find the books very effective. One mother had used three different reading programs, without much success. With Reading Logically, her daughter gained skills and became a successful reader.
Education services
- Read and write better
- Help my child learn