RCP, Inc
NLD ID #88209
Contact Information
Hours of Operation
Monday through Thursday 3pm-9:30pm
Program Overview
Randolph Community Partnership, Inc. (RCP) is a local non-profit organization whose mission is to provide opportunity through education. Incorporated in 2002, RCP has become an integral part of the Randolph community. Located in Randolph High School in the heart of Randolph, RCP provides rich educational opportunities to adults on the South Shore. We have brought together community members, local businesses and colleges to enhance collaborations within the community.
Student and Volunteer Success Stories
One student of ours was a former gang member who had been incarcerated on multiple occasions. After making the decision to change the course of his life, he enrolled in RCP's ABE/ASE program. During his three years at RCP, he blossomed in every way. After failing the HiSET exam, he reverted to his previous ways and was briefly incarcerated once again. He was determined to get back on track following his release. The entire RCP staff celebrated when he passed the HiSET in December 2016.
Education services
- Read and write better
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
- Become a U.S. citizen
- Improve my workforce skills
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online