Project Write Now & The Power of the Pen
NLD ID #91386
Contact Information
Hours of Operation
2:45 - 6pm
Program Overview
In 2008, extra-curricular opportunities for writing, creative expression, and publication for youth did not exist within any of Richmond's eight public high schools. In response, Podium began as an after-school writing program for high school youth and in 2013, expanded into middle schools and community centers. Unique to Podium's programs, a seven-year, continuous learning cycle for youth enables stronger skill development and thriving peer-learning communities.
Originally serving 55 youth in four Richmond Public Schools (RPS), Podium annually serves over 350 youth in over 400 hours of programming.
Tier 1. Foundational Education: programs designed for under-resourced communities and schools to reinforce and build on lessons learned during the school-day while identifying writing as a positive coping tool for personal expression. The following are Tier 1 Podium programs:
1. Project Write Now! – (ages 10 - 14) Promotes healthy expression and self-confidence in weekly writing workshops involving identity, creative writing, and communication. All programs include publication and/or a showcase of youth work.
Why Join Podium in Middle School?
- Connect with adult mentors
- Make friends in Podium's network of youth writers
- Find and develop your inner voice, passion, and identities
- Become a celebrated, published author
- Higher self-confidence and self-image
- Healthier communication with family and friends
- Prepare for leadership and internship opportunities in high school
2. The Power of the Pen (ages 14 - 19) – A safe and supportive place for youth to develop as creative expressers and leaders while instilling a genuine love of the written form. Youth expand their horizons through weekly writing and communication workshops, including poetry, college prep, and prose, and with publications, showcases, and performances of their work.
Why Join Podium in High School?
- Connect with adult mentors·
- Make friends in Podium's network of youth writers within your community and across the region
- Find and develop your inner voice, passion, and identities
- Build a portfolio of writing and art
- Improve writing and public speaking
- Become a celebrated, published author
- Higher self-confidence and self-image
- Healthier communication with family and friends·
- Practice peer-mentoring and leadership
- Engage in professional learning internships and
- opportunities
- Explore career paths·
- Connect and network with local professionals
- Practice college-level writing, research, and presentations
Cost Info
Programs are free for all youth participants.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
STORY 1: "Hello. I am here as an eighth grader who attends Henderson Middle School. Today, I will talk to you about what Podium means to me. Today, I am here as a leader of Podium. This is my second year in the program. We write skits, poetry, and we learn a lot by getting active and exploring our emotions. We also write stories and narratives about who we are. Writing has helped me improve as a communicator. For example, I can understand my words and the perspectives of others.
My favorite part of Podium is writing poetry. We write about things I like, and I get into it when I can take my ideas and turn them into my own poetry. As a student, what I learn in Podium is important. Communication is important to practice, so you can tell people who you are and what you feel. If you don't want to say things aloud, writing is the tool. You use writing all the time, for you, as a student, with peers, and in the professional
world.As a friend and family member, communication is important to keeping a relationship. Writing helps me sort through stress or emotions about those I love. Podium makes me feel like a part of something bigger. Last year, I was a finalist in Next Up's Love
out Loud competition. Being after-school with Podium helps prepare me for high school. Thank you for being an important aspect of my life!" (Middle School Youth Quote)STORY 2: "I got started writing poetry with commitment while at Podium. Before, I only wrote a half inspired poem here and there on scraps of paper or in extra notebooks. I started Podium my freshman year of high school and became a much better writer. That summer, I applied to the Mayor's Youth Academy for poetry and theater, and to be accepted, I had to write a poem on the spur of the moment. I ended up writing a page long poem and was asked to read it. The promoter told me that it was one of the best she had heard. About a week later, I got my formal acceptance letter. I've seen Podium transform people. I wouldn't be the writer I am today without it." (High School Youth Quote)
Education services
- Read and write better
- Help my child learn
- Volunteer at a program
Instruction Type
- In-person