Polytech Adult Education NEXT Mentoring
NLD ID #92098
Contact Information
Woodside, DE 19980
Program Overview
The NEXT mentoring program began in 2015 and provides opportunities for adult education students and graduates to have support before and after graduation as they venture into the new territory of advancing their skills and education through postsecondary studies (college and/or career training). The program matches past Groves and GED graduates (mentors) with adult education students and graduates (mentees) to help support them in their secondary educational goals (high school diploma or GED) and eventually navigate them through the opportunities that are available after graduation. The NEXT program was named through the encouraging of potential graduates to not only focus on achieving the high school credential, but also thinking about "What's next?" Mentors are past students who have completed or are currently enrolled in college or career training and have shown that they are good role models for other students. Mentors meet with their mentees once a month and provide supplemental support through texting, calling, and social media during other times throughout the month. The objective is to provide the graduate with information about opportunities after graduation and assist the upcoming graduate with handling these opportunities: applications, financial aid, registering for classes/programs, job seeking, studying, fellowship, and encouragement through obstacles. It is expected that this information and support from a graduate who had at one time been in a similar situation as the current student will lead to the eventual outcome of attending college and/or career training to better the participants' future financial outlook and overall satisfaction and fulfillment in life.

Cost Info
The costs of the NEXT Mentoring program consist of get-togethers between mentors and mentees to support students in their first year after graduation from our adult education high school or after obtaining their GED. Costs include getting together for group events, such as bowling, picnics, game nights, mall scavenger hunts, local baseball games, and restaurant get-togethers as well as getting together at school to provide tutoring help, assistance with writing papers, and help with FAFSA forms. There are also costs for scholarships, group t-shirts, and thank you gifts for mentors.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
At the end of the first year, 7/8 (88%) of students who participated in the NEXT Mentoring program completed career training or at least one semester of college. Also, 6/8 (75%) of students completed either career training or one year of college. At the end of the second year, 9/12 (75%) graduates who participated in the mentoring program completed career training or at least one semester of college.
Here are quotes from students who participated in the mentoring program from 2016-2017:
"When I was in high school, I knew I someday wanted to go to college to make a difference in my family and be something. At the time, my lifelong dream was to become a nurse. Knowing that the NEXT group was there made me accountable to the group. I had to show that I was following through on my goals" (Winsome Palmer, 2017).
"I saw other graduates doing something after graduation. I thought, 'If they can do it, I can do it, too'" (Shanikqua Turner, 2017).
"My favorite part was how we shared updates at the end of our group events. I got to hear what everyone was doing and felt proud to share what I was doing, too. Everyone cheered each other on, and I felt motivated to keep going" (Ashley Smith, 2017).
"The program helps students to get some focus and a little bit of motivation to do a little more.They realize that this is not the final stop" (Colton Gatts, 2017).
"It changed my life; I used to be insecure about a lot of things, but once I joined the NEXT program, they encouraged me to take that first step, and now I'm moving on with my education in college" (Meta Hampton, 2017).
Education services
- Read and write better
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Improve my technology skills
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online