Parent Possible

Parent Possible

NLD ID #90925
Parent Possible logo

Contact Information

800 Grant Street, STE 200
Denver, CO 80203

Primary Contact

Jackie Cordova

(303) 860-6000 Ext:108

Hours of Operation

8:00 to 5:00 MT

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Program Overview

Parent Possible strengthens families through two evidence-based home visiting programs: Parents as Teachers (PAT), Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), and a parent empowerment initiative called Vroom. HIPPY is a peer-delivered home visiting model that empowers parents to actively prepare their children for success in school. Parents are provided with an evidence based curriculum, books and materials designed to enhance children's cognitive skills, early literacy skills, social/emotional and physical development. PAT is an evidence-based home visiting model, parent education, and support program that partners with parents to help ensure their children are healthy and ready to succeed in school and life. PAT provides parents with child development knowledge and parenting support, provides early detection of developmental delays and health issues, prevents child abuse and neglect and increases school readiness. Last year, 2,917 families were reached through the PAT model, the majority of which were low-income of Latino descent. Both the HIPPY and PAT models have been shown to improve child outcomes through the rigorous evaluation of school readiness assessments, child development screening and parent surveys. Recently, Parent Possible has expanded programming to include Vroom, a mobile learning app that teaches parents how to connect with their children. Last year, Parent Possible became the state anchor for Vroom. Vroom is an app available on mobile devices that effectively translates the science
behind the brain's executive functions into easy, actionable tips that encourage reciprocal interaction between parents and young children. Vroom is available at parent's fingertips, giving them scientific-based activities to do with their children on the go, be it on the drive home from child care or while making dinner. While all of our programs are thoroughly researched and
either evidence-based or evidence-informed, we still engage in a rigorous annual evaluation of our home visiting programs. This evaluation uses validated tools and surveys to understand how well our programs serve families and has shown significant gains in school readiness, increased parent confidence, and
improved parent-child interactions.

Student and Volunteer Success Stories

Como madre del programa HIPPY he descubierto una
manera de interactuar con mi hijo al hacer la tarea que la educadora nos deja,he visto como mi hijo se le dificultaba un poco contar del 1 al 20 ya que sebrincaba algunos números pero con el programa de HIPPY y los consejos que la educadora me dio él pudo por fincontarlos e identificarlos sin ningún problema.

En Lectura mi hijo pone mucha atención a lo que le leo
y me sorprende la habilidad que tiene para captar el contenido de los libros alhacerle las preguntas de lo que leímos y una de las cosas muy importantes es queel programa se ofrece en Español lo cual hace que mi niño sea completamente bilingüe y aprenda muchas palabras de nuevas en español.

A mi hijo y a mí nos gusta mucho este programa, no puedo
describir la emoción de mi hijo cuando hacemos ciencia (Le encanto hacer el volcán).

Reconozco la importancia que tiene la educación en mis
hijos pero gracias a HIPPY he aprendido a hacerlo de una mejor manera y darme ese tiempo de calidad muy valioso de convivencia y aprendizaje para mi hijo y para mí.

Alma J. Coronado (HIPPY Parent)

This program listing was last updated: August 24, 2017.

All information has been provided by this organization. Do you see outdated information? Please contact NLD Support.

Education services

  • Help my child learn

Instruction Type

  • Instruction in multiple languages