Oklahoma City Metro Literacy Coalition
NLD ID #28622Contact Information
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Program Overview
Oklahoma City Metro Literacy Coalition's mission is to lead a collaboration of literacy providers and supporters to strengthen services and present a united voice for literacy in metropolitan Oklahoma City.
Literacy Referral Service
If you or someone you know needs help with reading, writing, adult basic education, GED, or learning English, call (405) 830-2790, email info@okcreads.org or visit our website at okcreads.org. OKCMLC operates a phone line and online resource service to connect learners to literacy services in metro OKC. The Literacy Referral Service also connects volunteer tutors and teachers to training opportunities and literacy organizations in need of volunteers.
GED/HiSET Testing Scholarships
OKCMLC offers need-based scholarships for the cost of GED/HiSET testing fees. These scholarships are available for adults enrolled in GED prep courses in the OKC Metro area. Awards require the recommendation of the student's GED instructor. Instructors may apply online at okcreads.org.
Professional Development Grants
Literacy providers that are members of OKCMLC are eligible to apply for professional development grants for staff or volunteers to attend regional conferences, workshops, seminars, webinars, trainings, etc.).
LiteracyNetwork Meetings
OKCMLC hosts professional development and networking opportunities for organizations and individuals providing literacy services.
Education services
- Read and write better
- Find a family literacy program
- Help my child learn
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Volunteer at a program
- Improve my workforce skills