Mastics Moriches Shirley Community Library
NLD ID #89004
Contact Information
Shirley, NY 11967
Hours of Operation
M-Th 9-9 Fr 9-6 Sat 9-5 Sun 12-4
Program Overview
We offer English as a New Language (ENL) classes for adults throughout the school year and summer. Classes are offered across multiple proficiency levels, days of the week, times, and locations. The goal is to help adults improve their ability to read, write, speak, and understand English as well as become participating members of our community.
Our Family Literacy program supports parents as their child's first teacher, promotes language acquisitions, and enhances the development of educational, emotional, and social skills. Resources are in place for children 18 months-13 years old.
In addition, our Citizenship Preparation program provides information, tools, and resources to those pursuing United States citizenship.
Cost Info
Free, but must purchase textbook for the class.Education services
- Read and write better
- Find a family literacy program
- Help my child learn
- Learn English
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
- Become a U.S. citizen
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online
- Instruction in multiple languages