Main Street Child Development Center
NLD ID #88480
Contact Information
4401 Sideburn Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
Fairfax, VA 22030
Hours of Operation
7am - 6pm
Program Overview
- The Success by Six Early Childhood Education Program prepares 125 at-risk children, ages 2 to 5, for success in kindergarten per year. Our preschool students experience stability and continuity in an active, caring learning environment for up to 11 hours per day. Each classroom consists of 18 students and 3 teachers.
- The Eagles School Age Child Care Program provides continuing out-of-school services for 25 at-risk elementary school students who graduated from Main Street. They benefit from before/after school care, tutoring, recreation, healthy meals and snacks, and an all-day summer program.
- Family Support and Parent Engagement Services engage families extensively in family-oriented events, adult education classes, parent-teacher conferences, and parenting workshops. Our staff communicates regularly with parents about behavioral/developmental issues, daily lesson plans, and the school's meal/snack menu. During adult education classes, we provide childcare and meals
for families.

Cost Info
All Main Street families pay tuition. However, lower income parents pay tuition based on a sliding scale according to the subsidy fee system of the Fairfax County Office for Children and the City of Fairfax. Parents must be working or full-time students in order to qualify for assistance. Main Street is also supported by limited funding through the Virginia Preschool Initiative Program for rising Kindergarten children of need. Tuition rates: Annual household income of less than $50,000: Subsidized tuition (contact Main Street office for more information) Annual household income $50,000-74,999: $265 per week Annual household income $75,000-99,999: $280 per week Annual household income $100,000 or more: $295 per week There is a $100 registration fee.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
"I wanted you to know how thankful I am for the commitment and love you show, not only to my daughter, but to all the children...I don't want her to forget this place. I know I won't." - Andy E., Father
Education services
- Read and write better
- Help my child learn
- Learn English
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online