Maggie's Outreach Community Economic Development Center
NLD ID #88441
Contact Information
1284 Fayetteville Road
Raeford, NC 28376
Raeford, NC 28376
Hours of Operation
9am-6pm Monday-Friday
Program Overview
• To provide individual and family services to the
low-income families i.e. economic needs,
financial awareness, literacy program, job
• To promote and help develop a cooperative
working relationship between residents and the
business community.
• To develop a functional facility that will engage
in activities that foster growth of individuals and
their community resources, and train individuals
for a sustainable future
• To foster a sense of community amongst business
and families through interactive outreach and
• To encourage respect for the environment,
devotion to country, and respect for mankind
Mailing Address: PO Box 326 Raeford, NC 28376

Cost Info
Employment assistance- Workforce Readiness which includes Job ready resume, structured 15 hours job readiness skills training, Online Job search, contacts and referral resources. Workshops and Seminars Housing assistance- Provides referral to available housing Substance abuse/Mental Health Treatment services Transportation services- Assists clients with transportation to and from training centers while enrolled in programs and Job fairs- $.56/ mile – Gas and reimbursable State mileage rate Child care services- MOCEDC provides after school services, tutoring, and camp $35 per week per eligible child 5 days from 3pm-6pm Educational/ vocational training services- computer training (8-16 sessions: beginners, intermediate, and advanced) Services are provided for ages 16 years to adults. General Education Degree Training- GED $25 registration fee plus $66 for online testing academy materials Adult Basic Education (ABE) Serve Save Food services certification (1-2 day course) The ServeSave Food Certification is $100 which includes material and licensure Family Support Services- Family Literacy, Financial Literacy, Health Insurance assistant -$7.25 per staff hour per client Driver’s License / State Issued ID Card Clothing- provide clothing for work assistants and families Food- provide perishable, provide referral to available food distribution Other (Specify) Other services listed, clothing, food, housing referrals See Above No charge :Items distributed according to availability and need ********Individuals may qualify for free or reduced services if meet the eligibility guidelines for financial assistance. *************Education services
- Read and write better
- Help my child learn
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online