International Center- Catholic Charities Community Services
NLD ID #90688
Contact Information
Hours of Operation
9:30 AM- 7 PM
Program Overview
Our programming includes ESOL classes at multiple proficiency levels, citizenship preparation classes, computer skills
classes, individual conversation practice, and specialized off-site programming for vulnerable communities in Manhattan and the Bronx. Our goal is to provide the language skills and confidence necessary for all English language learners to communicative effectively in their personal, professional, and academic lives in New York City.

Cost Info
All programs and classes are free for anyone with immigrant status. This includes green card holders, refugees, asylum seekers, DACA/DAPA, TPS, or other similar status. Students without an immigrant visa are asked to pay a nominal fee, $100 per month.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
'The students I meet at the International Center have all come to the United States to live enriching, purposeful lives. Some are only here to visit, others to reside or naturalize, but all have come to learn.' – Nicholas Allanach,volunteer instructor
'I appreciate the opportunity to be a member of the International Center. It is a great place for learning and communicating with amazing people.'- Margarita Levchenko, former student
Education services
- Learn English
- Volunteer at a program
- Become a U.S. citizen
Instruction Type
- In-person