Families First Literacy Resource Center
NLD ID #91760
Contact Information
Concord, NC 28027
Hours of Operation
Program Overview
Our organization operates 2 bilingual preschool locations for families who qualify and is a National Affiliate in the Parents as Teachers home visiting program. We serve 70 children daily in the preschools an visited nearly 1000 homes last year of low income, at risk families with young children. There is no other program visiting families twice a month in their homes getting parents and children ready for Kindergarten. We see the real needs before they become a crisis. We are unique because nearly 90% of the 100's of families we serve have Limited English Proficiency and because of constant contact, we are a trusted voice in their lives. We are effective because we have enrolled over 60 of these 100's children in our bilingual preschool in just 2 years and have started 4 adult English as a Second Language Classes, including a class for men that meets on Saturdays. ESL, Spanish and Tutoring Classes are offered Monday - Saturdays at two locations. Please contact us at 704-786-5613 and ask for Krystal, Assistant Director of Families First in Cabarrus County.

Cost Info
Free. The Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) program is provided everyday of the week, including Saturdays (Spanish and English classes), and is a powerful tool which allows parents to learn and better connect and communicate at work, medical needs, and children’s schools. Our GED classes and tutoring classes for children are free also. Our Free Family Literacy Resource Center enhances 5 current ESL classes so parents can develop skills to participate more fully in their child's educational and medical needs. Locations provide trainings, books to read with children, book clubs with peers, access to multi media, and agency guest services.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
"My internship with Families First was the most rewarding and humbling experience I've had. I grew in my Spanish speaking skills along with the children and that was such a fun experience, I now work full-time as a lead teacher!" - Tori Bozeat (Tori now works as a Lead Teacher at our 5 Star Bilingual Preschool at Lockhart)
Education services
- Read and write better
- Find a family literacy program
- Help my child learn
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
- Become a U.S. citizen
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online
- Instruction in multiple languages