Council on Community Literacy and Reading

Council on Community Literacy and Reading

NLD ID #84185

Contact Information

118 College Drive #5146
University of Southern Mississippi College of Education and Psychology
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Primary Contact

Catharine Bomhold

(601) 266-4228

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Program Overview

Mission: The mission of the CCLR is to both improve the literacy level of the general population (children who are learning to read, school-age children who are behind grade level, adults who lack reading skills) and provide those who are passionate about reading with opportunities to share that passion with others. The CCLR does not limit its activities to one group of people, either by age, socio-economic status, or by reading ability. Goals: 1) To provide and promote literacy opportunities for the people of Hattiesburg and the surrounding area. 2) To provide support and opportunities for faculty research. 3) To create a network of university and community members who are dedicated to making Hattiesburg a community that values and promotes reading activities. 4) To be a community resource for professional education.

This program listing was last updated: October 20, 2015.

All information has been provided by this organization. Do you see outdated information? Please contact NLD Support.

Education services

  • Read and write better
  • Help my child learn
  • Volunteer at a program

Instruction Type

  • In-person