Center for New Americans, Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota
NLD ID #77039
Contact Information
Hours of Operation
8 AM - 8 PM, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; 8 AM - 5 PM Fridays and Wednesdays
Program Overview
The Center for New Americans is a program of Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota. Our center has provided English classes for about 40 years to students from 47 different countries. You can take English Classes (4 Class Levels), Citizenship Classes (3 Class Levels) and/or Computer Classes. You can also take Work Training Classes, Job Interview Classes and get help finding a job. Classes are at 8 -10 AM, 10 AM - 12 PM, 12:30 - 2:30 PM or 6 - 8 PM. These classes are free to anyone who has an immigrant visa. The Center for New Americans is on East 6th Street, on the East Bank of the Sioux River, in downtown Sioux Falls. Please call 605-731-2000 for an English test and to get enrolled in classes. New English students begin classes every Monday. Citizenship Classes are offered every quarter. To sign up for the next Citizenship Class session, call 605-731-2000.

Cost Info
Classes are free for anyone who has an immigrant visa. Those who do not hold an immigrant visa can attend daytime classes for $60 or evening classes for $30 per month. The enrollment fee for these tuition students is $25.Education services
- Read and write better
- Learn English
- Improve my technology skills
- Volunteer at a program
- Become a U.S. citizen
Instruction Type
- In-person